Class 8, Chapter 5 Agriculture

A. Tick the correct Answer

B. Write three main features of the following types af farming.

1. Subsistence 
2. Intensive
3. Extensive
4. Plantation
Ans :-

1. Subsistence  - 
•The subsistence forming is the very backward forming .  
•no mechanisation is available.
•The production is just for subsistence

2. Intensive -  
•It envolves the cultivation of small land holdings.
•the work on the form is done mostly by human workers.
•the chief crop is rice

3. Extensive -
•In extensive farming, land resources are not significant
•the percentage of land remains very high.
•Instead of human labour machines are applied for harvesting, thrashing etc.

4. Plantation -
•large amount of labour and capital is required.
•Major plantations are found in tropical regions.
•Plantation crops are tea , coffee, banana, rubber etc

C. Distinguish between.

1. Arable farming and plantation.

Arable farming is growing crops in fields, which have usually been ploughed before planting where as Plantations are a type of commercial farming where a single crop of tea, coffee, sugarcane, cashew, rubber, banana or cotton is grown. 

2. Livestock rearing and grain farming 

Livestock rearing consists of beef cattle, poultry and pigs whereas commercial farming in which crops like wheat and maize are grown for commercial purpose are called grain farming.

D. Short answer type questions (in 20-30 words).

1. What do you understand by agriculture? 

Ans. Agriculture may be defined as a human activity involving planned utilisation of soil and water for the growth of plants and animals to meet our the basic requirements of goods and clothing.

2. What is shifting cultivation?

Shifting agriculture is a system of cultivation in which a plot of land is cleared and cultivated for a short period of time and then move to another place for farming.

3. What are the different types of economic activities? 

Ans. The different type of economic activities are -
• Primary activity.
• Secondary activity.
• Teritiary activity.

4. Why are lowlands more suitable for farming than the highlands?

Lowlands are more suitable for farming than highlands because, In hilly regions soil erosion is rapid ,machines cannot be used and means of transport are limited.In the lowlands however there are no such problems.

5. What is nomadic herding?

In nomadic herding , herdsmen shift from place to place carrying their animals for fodder and water along defined routes.

6. What is dairy farming? What are the factors favourable for its development? 

Ans. A dairy farm is a place where animals like cow, goat, sheep, and yaks are kept and raised to produce good quality of milk. This milk is then distributed from the farms to the surrounding region. 
Factors favourable for its development are: Availability of fodder and other supplies in the region.


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